ClearSky Rehabilitation Hospital of Weatherford Ranked in Top 10% Nationally

ClearSky Rehabilitation Hospital of Weatherford has been ranked in the Top 10% of medical rehabilitation hospitals in the nation, having been recognized for providing patient care that is effective, efficient, timely, and patient-centered.

The 26-bed hospital provides specialized rehabilitative care to patients who are recovering from disabling injuries or illnesses such as strokes, brain injuries, hip fractures, spinal injuries, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, or other medically-complex conditions such as COVID-19.

ClearSky Weatherford was ranked from 861 medical rehabilitation hospitals by Netsmart Technologies, Inc., which is the administrator and steward of the nation’s largest database for rehabilitation outcomes. The rankings were determined by using Netsmart’s program evaluation model (PEM), a case-mix-adjusted and severity-adjusted tool that provides facilities with a composite performance score and percentile ranking drawn from more than 80 percent of all medical rehabilitation hospitals in the country.

“This achievement demonstrates our commitment to providing the community with exceptional patient care,” says Aaron Lopez, CEO of ClearSky Weatherford. “Our employees and medical staff work tirelessly to provide our patients with a higher level of specialized rehabilitation so they can maximize their recoveries and return to their homes and the activities that they enjoy.”

“If you consider that a national study has previously shown that medical rehabilitation hospitals provide better long-term results for patients, being ranked at the top of that group validates the quality of care we provide,” he continues, referencing a study commissioned by the ARA Research Institute that shows patients treated in medical rehabilitation hospitals experienced improved quality of life as compared to skilled nursing facilities.

Through Netsmart, ClearSky Weatherford also will collaborate with peers throughout the nation to share information and establish best practices for patients.

“We’re able to play a pivotal role in elevating performance standards across the nation as we collectively strive to advance care standards throughout the rehabilitation industry,” Lopez says. “It’s truly an honor.”

This is the 16th year that these awards have been issued to medical rehabilitation hospitals. The original PEM Report Card was developed by Uniform Data System for Medical Rehabilitation (UDSMR) as part of a proactive solution to the Institute of Medicine’s 2006 recommendation to Congress that every Medicare provider be reimbursed on a pay-for-performance basis. Netsmart’s PEM Version 2 Report Card built upon the success of the original version, replacing certain effectiveness indicators with quality measures that were similar in nature. The results were weighted and combined into a single composite score. Each facility was assigned a percentile ranking relative to other qualifying facilities in the database.

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