Memory Strategies
Memory challenges can make life difficult, but with the right tools and strategies, everyday tasks may become easier to manage. If you or someone you care about is experiencing memory difficulties, below are suggestions to help manage everyday activities:
Choose the Right Support
- Select tools that suit current abilities. For example, if you’re uncomfortable with digital reminders, use a paper calendar.
- Ask your healthcare provider for personalized recommendations.
- Test products before purchasing if possible. When shopping online, check the return policy.
- Ask friends for suggestions regarding processes or items that have worked successfully for them.
Common Memory Aids
Memory aids can make a difference once you determine which are the most helpful to you. Or if you’re helping a loved one, discuss which they prefer. Focus on mastering one at a time. Some to consider include:
- Calendar or diary to track important events and dates.
- Journal, paper or digital, to write down daily thoughts or to-do lists.
- Calendar clock that displays the date and time clearly.
- Shopping list to keep an ongoing list of items you need.
- Contact numbers stored in one accessible place.
- Sticky notes for visible reminders around the home.
- Medication box to organize medicines by day or time.
- Color codes to visually organize and prioritize tasks.
- Apps and smart devices to provide reminders and alarms.
- Alarm clocks to set reminders for regular tasks like appointments or medications.
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